Reduce Your Kids’ Chemical Exposure


            We do so much to protect our children. From child-proofing our homes to seat belts, knees pads, and “don’t talk to strangers.” But, what about exposures to toxic chemicals? Chemicals can reduce IQ, cause obesity, cancer, and reproductive issues – that means it can affect our grandkids too!

            For example, lead may have been taken out of new paint since we were kids, but the exposure risk to our children & grandchildren hasn’t gone away. Where is lead? Old paint, batteries, craft supplies, metal & glass products, plastic products, and food & supplements. And what does lead exposure do to kids? Neurological issues, compromised metabolism, and kidney issues are just some of the problems.


Check out this interactive learning tool from the National Institute of Health


           How does ERC address chemical exposure in kids?

ERC works everyday testing consumables that can expose you to Prop 65 toxins. ERC provides scholarships and donations for education, research, and advocacy. Please explore the rest of our site for more information. 

            What can you do about it?

Our best defense against these exposures is education and protection. ERC encourages you to research chemical exposures in general and those specific to your region and lifestyle. Then check out the companies working to protect you like ERC and our partners. 

For funs ways to teach older kids about the dangers of chemical exposure go to


ERC neither promotes nor dissuades the use of any products. ERC uses third-party, independent testing for all noticed products. ERC’s mission is to safeguard the public from health hazards that impact families, workers, and the environment. ERC is dedicated to reducing the use and misuse of hazardous and toxic substances, facilitating a safe environment for consumers and employees and encouraging corporate responsibility.


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Toxins - TSCA Reform