FDCA Doesn’t Preempt False Protein Claims in CA Case

In our continuing series on false advertising and protein spiking, we bring you the latest news in a California case wherein a court of appeals has decided that FDCA regulations do not preempt false protein claims

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ERC neither promotes nor dissuades the use of any products. ERC uses third-party, independent testing for all noticed products. ERC’s mission is to safeguard the public from health hazards that impact families, workers, and the environment. ERC is dedicated to reducing the use and misuse of hazardous and toxic substances, facilitating a safe environment for consumers and employees, and encouraging corporate responsibility.


Criminal Charges Against Supplement Companies

Check out this NPR article on the DOJ's case against some supplement companies for fales claims regarding their wegith loss products. 

Justice Department Announces Criminal Charges Against Dietary Supplement Firms

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ERC neither promotes nor dissuades the use of any products. ERC uses third-party, independent testing for all noticed products. ERC’s mission is to safeguard the public from health hazards that impact families, workers, and the environment. ERC is dedicated to reducing the use and misuse of hazardous and toxic substances, facilitating a safe environment for consumers and employees, and encouraging corporate responsibility.


Supplement Toxins and Cancer, Reproductive Issues


New Insecticides and Old Complications